To ensure an informed and participatory local electorate that reflects and supports enduring American values and an economically viable community.
To ensure quality Republican candidates are elected, and to inform the electorate on the critical issues we face today
As stated in our Nation’s Declaration of Independence, the Tuolumne County Republican Central Committee “holds these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
Life: All people have a right to life. The Tuolumne County Republican Central Committee is committed to value and protect all human life as it is a self-evident truth that all people are created equal.
Liberty: No other value than embracing individual liberty for all people, regardless of race, sex, religion, or ethnic origin is of greater importance to the Tuolumne County Republican Central Committee. With liberty comes personal responsibility to live and act with respect for the individual liberty of all others.
Pursuit of happiness: The Tuolumne County Republican Central Committee believes that the pursuit of happiness is both a right and a responsibility. We believe each individual must be afforded the opportunity to pursue their happiness as they wish and that they bear the responsibility for the achievement of that happiness. We will support efforts to remove unreasonable barriers to all legitimate individual pursuits
Free-Market Economy: A free-market economy is essential to the pursuit of happiness for all. The Tuolumne County Republican Central Committee values and supports Government that is minimally invasive to the free workings of our national economy.
Limited Government: The Constitution of the United States of America is our founding document and outlines specifically the rightful purpose of Government. The Tuolumne County Republican Central Committee endorses its preamble which clearly states that the purpose of our government is to “establish Justice, insure Domestic Tranquility, provide for the Common Defence, promote the General Welfare, and secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” Government should be limited to the minimum necessary to accomplish those purposes, it should be transparent to the maximum extent possible, and it should practice fiscal responsibility by living within its means.
Individual Liberty: The Tuolumne County Republican Central Committee believes that the highest purpose of Government is to “secure the blessings of Liberty…” The tension between Government and the Individual is natural and ever present. Our Constitution’s Bill of Rights was expressly written and, the Constitution so amended, in order to clearly define the limitations of Government and protections that must be afforded Individuals and their rights. The Tuolumne County Republican Central Committee affirms that the rights of the Individual as laid out in the first ten amendments to our Constitution are both derived from our Creator and inviolate by Government.
Personal Responsibility: In a society that emphasizes Individual Liberty and the rights of the Individual, there will exist tensions between the rights of one and the rights of others. The Tuolumne County Republican Central Committee is committed to the proposition that an Individual’s rights come hand-in-glove with the personal responsibility to exercise those rights in accordance with moral and societal norms with absolute respect for the equal rights of others, regardless of their race, sex, religion, or ethnic origin.